
Q 1. どのくらいのソファが置けるかな?お部屋のサイズを知りましょう。
How big of the sofa can fit in the space? Let's find out the size of the room.
The first step in choosing a sofa is knowing the size of the available space for the sofa. Consider the position of doors, windows, surrounding furniture, and the TV, then decide where to put the sofa.

Q 2. さて、どんな形のソファにしよう?
What types of sofa should we choose?
誰がどんな目的で使うかな? とスペースとのバランスを考えて最適なカタチを選びましょう。
There are basically five shapes of sofas.
Who will use it, and for what purpose? Let's consider the balance with the space and choose the most suitable shape.
Armless Type
There is no wasted space taken up by any arms. It's recommended to use it by placing it against the wall with cushions. It may be good in a smaller space.
One Arm Type
1人暮らしやリビング以外のお部屋の ソファとして人気上昇中の形。
A shape that is gaining popularity as a sofa for those living alone or for rooms other than the living room. It attracts attention for allowing various postures on the sofa and ease of access to the sofa.
High Arm Type
You can sit sideways with the armrest as a backrest. Placing your elbows on the armrest makes it comfortable for your arms, making it the best shape for reading. Sofas with slim arms have a higher seat ratio, maximizing the seating space.
Low Arm Type
It's ideal for a short nap, using the arm as a pillow substitute. The visual impression can also change depending on the height of the arm. You can also use it like a couch sofa by adding a stool.
Couch Type (2ppl)
A consistently popular choice, the couch sofa features one side of the sofa designed as a chaise longue, allowing you to stretch out your legs and relax. It's also possible to use the couch section effectively to divide the room loosely.
Q 3. 誰に合わせて選べばいいの?
Who should I choose the sofa for?
There are two approaches to consider. One is to choose the sofa based on the person who will use it the most. The other is to tailor the choice to larger individuals as much as the space allows. The reason is that while smaller individuals can adapt to larger sofas, the reverse is often challenging. Skillful use of cushions can create various comfortable seating options.
Q 4. 革にする? 布にする? 張り地選びのポイント
Leather or fabric? Points to consider when choosing upholstery.
[ 長所 ]
- 上手にメンテナンスすれば永く美しく使うことができる
- 食べものや飲み物をこぼしても、しみこみにくい
- 革特有の重厚感、高級感がある
- 目立った埃はさっと拭き取れば清潔に使えます
With proper maintenance, it can be used beautifully for a long time.
More resistant to stains than fabric, even if food or drinks are spilled.
Leather has a distinctive weightiness and a luxurious feel.
Easy to keep clean by quickly wiping away noticeable dust.
[ 短所 ]
- 整髪料やお風呂上がりの水気にも注意が必要
- 張り地の取り外しはできないケースが多い
Requires caution as it may be stained by products and moistures after bathing.
In many cases, the upholstery cannot be removed.
Susceptible to dryness, high temperatures, and humidity.
Requires precautions such as avoiding direct sunlight, keeping some distance from walls, and not placing it in front of heaters.
[ 長所 ]
- ふだんのお手入れはこまめに掃除機をかけるだけでOK
- カバーリングタイプなら取り外してクリーニング可能
- 布の種類が豊富 色やテクスチャーが楽しめる
Regular care is easy with just frequent vacuuming.
If it's a covering type, it can be removed for cleaning.
Wide variety of fabric types, allowing for enjoyment of various colors and textures.
[ 短所 ]
- 飲み物や食べこぼしなどの汚れが落としにくい
- 不衛生にしておくとダニ発生のリスクがある
Stains from spills, such as drinks or food, can be challenging to remove.
There is a risk of dust mite infestation if not kept clean.